Monday 28 July 2014

Non-free/Non-FOSS software = monopolised dictatorship over its consumers

I used to think Apple was the "Mc Donald's" of technology, now I like to place Apple (and non-free software/hardware in general) to the worst components of communism and consumerism combined; They dictate to their consumers one way of thinking. Apple don't even give much in terms of customisation (even the colours are pretty much locked in iOS).

Propitiatory software in general grasps its consumers with an iron fist with only one intent in mind; locking in users into pay the greedy company as much as possible, without granting the user any freedom to improve/adapt/fix the software to their specific uses.

People consume propitiatory software, and are therefore 'consumers'.
People use FOSS/free-software, and are therefore 'users'.
Which would you prefer?

Overall you could think of it as a monopolised dictatorship that managed to white-wash their consumers into thinking things are 'different'/better?

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